'use strict'; function aa(a) { var b = 0; return function() { return b < a.length ? {done: !1, value: a[b++]} : {done: !0} } } var ba = 'function' == typeof Object.defineProperties ? Object.defineProperty : function(a, b, c) { if (a == Array.prototype || a == Object.prototype) return a; a[b] = c.value; return a }; function ca(a) { a = [ 'object' == typeof globalThis && globalThis, a, 'object' == typeof window && window, 'object' == typeof self && self, 'object' == typeof global && global ]; for (var b = 0; b < a.length; ++b) { var c = a[b]; if (c && c.Math == Math) return c } throw Error('Cannot find global object'); } var da = ca(this); function m(a, b) { if (b) a: { var c = da; a = a.split('.'); for (var d = 0; d < a.length - 1; d++) { var f = a[d]; if (!(f in c)) break a; c = c[f] } a = a[a.length - 1]; d = c[a]; b = b(d); b != d && null != b && ba(c, a, {configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: b}) } } m('Symbol', function(a) { function b(e) { if (this instanceof b) throw new TypeError('Symbol is not a constructor'); return new c(d + (e || '') + '_' + f++, e) } function c(e, h) { this.h = e; ba(this, 'description', {configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: h}) } if (a) return a; c.prototype.toString = function() { return this.h }; var d = 'jscomp_symbol_' + (1E9 * Math.random() >>> 0) + '_', f = 0; return b }); m('Symbol.iterator', function(a) { if (a) return a; a = Symbol('Symbol.iterator'); for ( var b = 'Array Int8Array Uint8Array Uint8ClampedArray Int16Array Uint16Array Int32Array Uint32Array Float32Array Float64Array' .split(' '), c = 0; c < b.length; c++) { var d = da[b[c]]; 'function' === typeof d && 'function' != typeof d.prototype[a] && ba(d.prototype, a, { configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: function() { return ea(aa(this)) } }) } return a }); function ea(a) { a = {next: a}; a[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this }; return a } function r(a) { var b = 'undefined' != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator && a[Symbol.iterator]; return b ? b.call(a) : {next: aa(a)} } function fa(a) { if (!(a instanceof Array)) { a = r(a); for (var b, c = []; !(b = a.next()).done;) c.push(b.value); a = c } return a } var ha = 'function' == typeof Object.create ? Object.create : function(a) { function b() {} b.prototype = a; return new b }, ia; if ('function' == typeof Object.setPrototypeOf) ia = Object.setPrototypeOf; else { var ja; a: { var ka = {a: !0}, la = {}; try { la.__proto__ = ka; ja = la.a; break a } catch (a) {} ja = !1 } ia = ja ? function(a, b) { a.__proto__ = b; if (a.__proto__ !== b) throw new TypeError(a + ' is not extensible'); return a } : null } var ma = ia; function u(a, b) { a.prototype = ha(b.prototype); a.prototype.constructor = a; if (ma) ma(a, b); else for (var c in b) if ('prototype' != c) if (Object.defineProperties) { var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(b, c); d && Object.defineProperty(a, c, d) } else a[c] = b[c]; a.la = b.prototype } function na() { for (var a = Number(this), b = [], c = a; c < arguments.length; c++) b[c - a] = arguments[c]; return b } function v(a, b) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, b) } m('WeakMap', function(a) { function b(k) { this.h = (g += Math.random() + 1).toString(); if (k) { k = r(k); for (var l; !(l = k.next()).done;) l = l.value, this.set(l[0], l[1]) } } function c() {} function d(k) { var l = typeof k; return 'object' === l && null !== k || 'function' === l } function f(k) { if (!v(k, h)) { var l = new c; ba(k, h, {value: l}) } } function e(k) { var l = Object[k]; l && (Object[k] = function(n) { if (n instanceof c) return n; Object.isExtensible(n) && f(n); return l(n) }) } if (function() { if (!a || !Object.seal) return !1; try { var k = Object.seal({}), l = Object.seal({}), n = new a([[k, 2], [l, 3]]); if (2 != n.get(k) || 3 != n.get(l)) return !1; n.delete(k); n.set(l, 4); return !n.has(k) && 4 == n.get(l) } catch (q) { return !1 } }()) return a; var h = '$jscomp_hidden_' + Math.random(); e('freeze'); e('preventExtensions'); e('seal'); var g = 0; b.prototype.set = function(k, l) { if (!d(k)) throw Error('Invalid WeakMap key'); f(k); if (!v(k, h)) throw Error('WeakMap key fail: ' + k); k[h][this.h] = l; return this }; b.prototype.get = function(k) { return d(k) && v(k, h) ? k[h][this.h] : void 0 }; b.prototype.has = function(k) { return d(k) && v(k, h) && v(k[h], this.h) }; b.prototype.delete = function(k) { return d(k) && v(k, h) && v(k[h], this.h) ? delete k[h][this.h] : !1 }; return b }); m('Map', function(a) { function b() { var g = {}; return g.A = g.next = g.head = g } function c(g, k) { var l = g.h; return ea(function() { if (l) { for (; l.head != g.h;) l = l.A; for (; l.next != l.head;) return l = l.next, {done: !1, value: k(l)}; l = null } return { done: !0, value: void 0 } }) } function d(g, k) { var l = k && typeof k; 'object' == l || 'function' == l ? e.has(k) ? l = e.get(k) : (l = '' + ++h, e.set(k, l)) : l = 'p_' + k; var n = g.i[l]; if (n && v(g.i, l)) for (g = 0; g < n.length; g++) { var q = n[g]; if (k !== k && q.key !== q.key || k === q.key) return { id: l, list: n, index: g, m: q } } return { id: l, list: n, index: -1, m: void 0 } } function f(g) { this.i = {}; this.h = b(); this.size = 0; if (g) { g = r(g); for (var k; !(k = g.next()).done;) k = k.value, this.set(k[0], k[1]) } } if (function() { if (!a || 'function' != typeof a || !a.prototype.entries || 'function' != typeof Object.seal) return !1; try { var g = Object.seal({x: 4}), k = new a(r([[g, 's']])); if ('s' != k.get(g) || 1 != k.size || k.get({x: 4}) || k.set({x: 4}, 't') != k || 2 != k.size) return !1; var l = k.entries(), n = l.next(); if (n.done || n.value[0] != g || 's' != n.value[1]) return !1; n = l.next(); return n.done || 4 != n.value[0].x || 't' != n.value[1] || !l.next().done ? !1 : !0 } catch (q) { return !1 } }()) return a; var e = new WeakMap; f.prototype.set = function(g, k) { g = 0 === g ? 0 : g; var l = d(this, g); l.list || (l.list = this.i[l.id] = []); l.m ? l.m.value = k : (l.m = {next: this.h, A: this.h.A, head: this.h, key: g, value: k}, l.list.push(l.m), this.h.A.next = l.m, this.h.A = l.m, this.size++); return this }; f.prototype.delete = function(g) { g = d(this, g); return g.m && g.list ? (g.list.splice(g.index, 1), g.list.length || delete this.i[g.id], g.m.A.next = g.m.next, g.m.next.A = g.m.A, g.m.head = null, this.size--, !0) : !1 }; f.prototype.clear = function() { this.i = {}; this.h = this.h.A = b(); this.size = 0 }; f.prototype.has = function(g) { return !!d(this, g).m }; f.prototype.get = function(g) { return (g = d(this, g).m) && g.value }; f.prototype.entries = function() { return c(this, function(g) { return [g.key, g.value] }) }; f.prototype.keys = function() { return c(this, function(g) { return g.key }) }; f.prototype.values = function() { return c(this, function(g) { return g.value }) }; f.prototype.forEach = function(g, k) { for (var l = this.entries(), n; !(n = l.next()).done;) n = n.value, g.call(k, n[1], n[0], this) }; f.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = f.prototype.entries; var h = 0; return f }); m('Number.isNaN', function(a) { return a ? a : function(b) { return 'number' === typeof b && isNaN(b) } }); function oa(a, b) { a instanceof String && (a += ''); var c = 0, d = !1, f = { next: function() { if (!d && c < a.length) { var e = c++; return { value: b(e, a[e]), done: !1 } } d = !0; return { done: !0, value: void 0 } } }; f[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return f }; return f } m('Array.prototype.values', function(a) { return a ? a : function() { return oa(this, function(b, c) { return c }) } }); m('Array.prototype.fill', function(a) { return a ? a : function(b, c, d) { var f = this.length || 0; 0 > c && (c = Math.max(0, f + c)); if (null == d || d > f) d = f; d = Number(d); 0 > d && (d = Math.max(0, f + d)); for (c = Number(c || 0); c < d; c++) this[c] = b; return this } }); function w(a) { return a ? a : Array.prototype.fill } m('Int8Array.prototype.fill', w); m('Uint8Array.prototype.fill', w); m('Uint8ClampedArray.prototype.fill', w); m('Int16Array.prototype.fill', w); m('Uint16Array.prototype.fill', w); m('Int32Array.prototype.fill', w); m('Uint32Array.prototype.fill', w); m('Float32Array.prototype.fill', w); m('Float64Array.prototype.fill', w); m('Set', function(a) { function b(c) { this.h = new Map; if (c) { c = r(c); for (var d; !(d = c.next()).done;) this.add(d.value) } this.size = this.h.size } if (function() { if (!a || 'function' != typeof a || !a.prototype.entries || 'function' != typeof Object.seal) return !1; try { var c = Object.seal({x: 4}), d = new a(r([c])); if (!d.has(c) || 1 != d.size || d.add(c) != d || 1 != d.size || d.add({x: 4}) != d || 2 != d.size) return !1; var f = d.entries(), e = f.next(); if (e.done || e.value[0] != c || e.value[1] != c) return !1; e = f.next(); return e.done || e.value[0] == c || 4 != e.value[0].x || e.value[1] != e.value[0] ? !1 : f.next().done } catch (h) { return !1 } }()) return a; b.prototype.add = function(c) { c = 0 === c ? 0 : c; this.h.set(c, c); this.size = this.h.size; return this }; b.prototype.delete = function(c) { c = this.h.delete(c); this.size = this.h.size; return c }; b.prototype.clear = function() { this.h.clear(); this.size = 0 }; b.prototype.has = function(c) { return this.h.has(c) }; b.prototype.entries = function() { return this.h.entries() }; b.prototype.values = function() { return this.h.values() }; b.prototype.keys = b.prototype.values; b.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = b.prototype.values; b.prototype.forEach = function(c, d) { var f = this; this.h.forEach(function(e) { return c.call(d, e, e, f) }) }; return b }); m('globalThis', function(a) { return a || da }); m('Object.values', function(a) { return a ? a : function(b) { var c = [], d; for (d in b) v(b, d) && c.push(b[d]); return c } }); m('Object.is', function(a) { return a ? a : function(b, c) { return b === c ? 0 !== b || 1 / b === 1 / c : b !== b && c !== c } }); m('Array.prototype.includes', function(a) { return a ? a : function(b, c) { var d = this; d instanceof String && (d = String(d)); var f = d.length; c = c || 0; for (0 > c && (c = Math.max(c + f, 0)); c < f; c++) { var e = d[c]; if (e === b || Object.is(e, b)) return !0 } return !1 } }); m('String.prototype.includes', function(a) { return a ? a : function(b, c) { if (null == this) throw new TypeError( 'The \'this\' value for String.prototype.includes must not be null or undefined'); if (b instanceof RegExp) throw new TypeError( 'First argument to String.prototype.includes must not be a regular expression'); return -1 !== this.indexOf(b, c || 0) } }); /* Copyright The Closure Library Authors. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ var pa = Array.prototype.map ? function(a, b) { return Array.prototype.map.call(a, b, void 0) } : function(a, b) { for (var c = a.length, d = Array(c), f = 'string' === typeof a ? a.split('') : a, e = 0; e < c; e++) e in f && (d[e] = b.call(void 0, f[e], e, a)); return d }; var qa = {}, ra = null; function sa(a, b) { void 0 === b && (b = 0); ta(); b = qa[b]; for (var c = Array(Math.floor(a.length / 3)), d = b[64] || '', f = 0, e = 0; f < a.length - 2; f += 3) { var h = a[f], g = a[f + 1], k = a[f + 2], l = b[h >> 2]; h = b[(h & 3) << 4 | g >> 4]; g = b[(g & 15) << 2 | k >> 6]; k = b[k & 63]; c[e++] = l + h + g + k } l = 0; k = d; switch (a.length - f) { case 2: l = a[f + 1], k = b[(l & 15) << 2] || d; case 1: a = a[f], c[e] = b[a >> 2] + b[(a & 3) << 4 | l >> 4] + k + d } return c.join('') } function ua(a) { var b = a.length, c = 3 * b / 4; c % 3 ? c = Math.floor(c) : -1 != '=.'.indexOf(a[b - 1]) && (c = -1 != '=.'.indexOf(a[b - 2]) ? c - 2 : c - 1); var d = new Uint8Array(c), f = 0; va(a, function(e) { d[f++] = e }); return f !== c ? d.subarray(0, f) : d } function va(a, b) { function c(k) { for (; d < a.length;) { var l = a.charAt(d++), n = ra[l]; if (null != n) return n; if (!/^[\s\xa0]*$/.test(l)) throw Error('Unknown base64 encoding at char: ' + l); } return k } ta(); for (var d = 0;;) { var f = c(-1), e = c(0), h = c(64), g = c(64); if (64 === g && -1 === f) break; b(f << 2 | e >> 4); 64 != h && (b(e << 4 & 240 | h >> 2), 64 != g && b(h << 6 & 192 | g)) } } function ta() { if (!ra) { ra = {}; for ( var a = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' .split(''), b = ['+/=', '+/', '-_=', '-_.', '-_'], c = 0; 5 > c; c++) { var d = a.concat(b[c].split('')); qa[c] = d; for (var f = 0; f < d.length; f++) { var e = d[f]; void 0 === ra[e] && (ra[e] = f) } } } }; var wa = 'undefined' !== typeof Uint8Array; function y(a) { return wa && null != a && a instanceof Uint8Array } var A = {}; var xa; function ya(a) { if (a !== A) throw Error('illegal external caller'); } function B(a, b) { ya(b); this.l = a; if (null != a && 0 === a.length) throw Error('ByteString should be constructed with non-empty values'); } function za() { return xa || (xa = new B(null, A)) } function Aa(a) { var b = a.l; return null == b ? '' : 'string' === typeof b ? b : a.l = sa(b) } function Ba(a, b) { if (!a.l || !b.l || a.l === b.l) return a.l === b.l; if ('string' === typeof a.l && 'string' === typeof b.l) { var c = a.l, d = b.l; b.l.length > a.l.length && (d = a.l, c = b.l); if (0 !== c.lastIndexOf(d, 0)) return !1; for (b = d.length; b < c.length; b++) if ('=' !== c[b]) return !1; return !0 } c = Ca(a); b = Ca(b); if (c.length !== b.length) return !1; for (a = 0; a < c.length; a++) if (c[a] !== b[a]) return !1; return !0 } function Ca(a) { ya(A); var b = a.l; b = null == b || y(b) ? b : 'string' === typeof b ? ua(b) : null; return null == b ? b : a.l = b }; var C = 'function' === typeof Symbol && 'symbol' === typeof Symbol() ? Symbol() : void 0; function D(a, b) { if (C) return a[C] |= b; if (void 0 !== a.v) return a.v |= b; Object.defineProperties( a, {v: {value: b, configurable: !0, writable: !0, enumerable: !1}}); return b } function Da(a, b) { var c = E(a); (c & b) !== b && (Object.isFrozen(a) && (a = Array.prototype.slice.call(a)), F(a, c | b)); return a } function Ea(a, b) { C ? a[C] && (a[C] &= ~b) : void 0 !== a.v && (a.v &= ~b) } function E(a) { var b; C ? b = a[C] : b = a.v; return null == b ? 0 : b } function F(a, b) { C ? a[C] = b : void 0 !== a.v ? a.v = b : Object.defineProperties( a, {v: {value: b, configurable: !0, writable: !0, enumerable: !1}}) } function Fa(a) { D(a, 1); return a } function Ga(a) { D(a, 16); return a } function Ha(a, b) { F(b, (a | 0) & -51) } function Ia(a, b) { F(b, (a | 18) & -41) }; var G = {}; function H(a) { return !!(E(a.j) & 2) } function Ja(a) { return null !== a && 'object' === typeof a && !Array.isArray(a) && a.constructor === Object } var Ka; function La(a) { if (null != a) if ('string' === typeof a) a = a ? new B(a, A) : za(); else if (a.constructor !== B) { var b; y(a) ? b = a.length ? new B(new Uint8Array(a), A) : za() : b = void 0; a = b } return a } var I, Ma = []; F(Ma, 23); I = Object.freeze(Ma); function K(a) { if (H(a)) throw Error('Cannot mutate an immutable Message'); } function Na(a) { var b = a.length; (b = b ? a[b - 1] : void 0) && Ja(b) ? b.g = 1 : (b = {}, a.push((b.g = 1, b))) }; var Oa; function Pa(a, b) { Oa = b; a = new a.constructor(b); Oa = void 0; return a } function Qa(a, b) { Oa = b; a = new a(b); Oa = void 0; return a }; function Ra(a) { return a } function Sa(a) { return a }; function Ta(a, b) { a = a || {}; b = b || {}; var c = {}, d; for (d in a) c[d] = 0; for (var f in b) c[f] = 0; for (var e in c) if (!Ua(a, e, a[e], b, e, b[e])) return !1; return !0 } function Va(a, b, c) { null != a && (a instanceof Map ? a.set(b, c) : a[b] = c); return c } function Wa(a, b) { return null == b ? !1 : Ua(void 0, void 0, a.j, void 0, void 0, b.j) } function Xa(a, b, c) { var d = La(c); return null == d ? null : d === c ? d : Va(a, b, d) } function Ua(a, b, c, d, f, e) { if (c == e) return !0; if (c instanceof B || y(c)) return c = Xa(a, b, c), e = Xa(d, f, e), e instanceof B && Ba(c, e); if (e instanceof B || y(e)) return c = Xa(a, b, c), e = Xa(d, f, e), c instanceof B && Ba(e, c); if (null == c && Array.isArray(e) && E(e) & 1 && !e.length || null == e && Array.isArray(c) && E(c) & 1 && !c.length) return !0; if (null == c || null == e) return !1; var h = typeof c, g = typeof e; if ('object' !== h || 'object' !== g) return 'number' === h && Number.isNaN(c) || 'number' === g && Number.isNaN(e) ? String(c) === String(e) : 'boolean' === h && 'number' === g || 'boolean' === g && 'number' === h ? !!c === !!e : !1; if (c.C === G) return a = c, Wa(a, e.C === G ? e : Array.isArray(e) ? Va(d, f, Pa(a, e)) : null); if (e.C === G) return Wa(e, Array.isArray(c) ? Va(a, b, Pa(e, c)) : null); if (c.constructor != e.constructor) return !1; if (c.constructor === Array) { a = c; c = b = void 0; d = Math.max(a.length, e.length); for (f = 0; f < d; f++) if (h = a[f], g = e[f], h && f == a.length - 1 && Ja(h) && (b = h, h = void 0), g && f == e.length - 1 && Ja(g) && (c = g, g = void 0), !Ua(a, f, h, e, f, g)) return !1; return b || c ? (b = b || {}, c = c || {}, Ta(b, c)) : !0 } if (c.constructor === Object) return Ta(c, e); throw Error('Invalid type in JSPB array'); }; function Ya(a) { switch (typeof a) { case 'number': return isFinite(a) ? a : String(a); case 'object': if (a) if (Array.isArray(a)) { if (0 !== (E(a) & 128)) return a = Array.prototype.slice.call(a), Na(a), a } else { if (y(a)) return sa(a); if (a instanceof B) return Aa(a) } } return a }; function Za(a, b, c, d) { if (null != a) { if (Array.isArray(a)) a = $a(a, b, c, void 0 !== d); else if (Ja(a)) { var f = {}, e; for (e in a) f[e] = Za(a[e], b, c, d); a = f } else a = b(a, d); return a } } function $a(a, b, c, d) { var f = E(a); d = d ? !!(f & 16) : void 0; a = Array.prototype.slice.call(a); for (var e = 0; e < a.length; e++) a[e] = Za(a[e], b, c, d); c(f, a); return a } function ab(a) { return a.C === G ? a.toJSON() : Ya(a) } function bb(a) { if (!a) return a; if ('object' === typeof a) { if (y(a)) return new Uint8Array(a); if (a.C === G) return cb(a) } return a } function db(a, b) { a&128 && Na(b) }; function eb(a) { var b = a.i + a.B; return a.u || (a.u = a.j[b] = {}) } function L(a, b, c) { return -1 === b ? null : b >= a.i ? a.u ? a.u[b] : void 0 : c && a.u && (c = a.u[b], null != c) ? c : a.j[b + a.B] } function M(a, b, c, d) { a.o && (a.o = void 0); if (b >= a.i || d) return eb(a)[b] = c, a; a.j[b + a.B] = c; (c = a.u) && b in c && delete c[b]; return a } function N(a, b, c, d, f) { var e = L(a, b, d); Array.isArray(e) || (e = I); var h = E(e); h&1 || Fa(e); if (f) h&2 || D(e, 2), c&1 || Object.freeze(e); else { f = !(c & 2); var g = h & 2; c&1 || !g ? f && h & 16 && !g && Ea(e, 16) : (e = Fa(Array.prototype.slice.call(e)), M(a, b, e, d)) } return e } function O(a, b, c, d) { var f = H(a), e = N(a, b, 1, d, f), h = E(e); if (!(h & 4)) { Object.isFrozen(e) && (e = Fa(e.slice()), M(a, b, e, d)); for (var g = 0, k = 0; g < e.length; g++) { var l = c(e[g]); null != l && (e[k++] = l) } k < g && (e.length = k); D(e, 5); f && (D(e, 2), Object.freeze(e)) } !f && (h & 2 || Object.isFrozen(e)) && (e = Array.prototype.slice.call(e), D(e, 5), c = e, c = null == c ? I : Da(c, 1), K(a), M(a, b, c, d)); return e } function fb(a) { return La(a) } function gb(a, b) { if (null == b) K(a), M(a, 6, I); else { var c = E(b); if (!(c & 4)) { if (c & 2 || Object.isFrozen(b)) b = Array.prototype.slice.call(b); for (var d = 0; d < b.length; d++) b[d] = b[d]; F(b, c | 5) } K(a); M(a, 6, b) } } function P(a, b, c, d) { K(a); c !== d ? M(a, b, c) : M(a, b, void 0, !1); return a } function hb(a, b) { if (null != b && 'number' !== typeof b) throw Error( 'Value of double field must be a number|null|undefined, found ' + typeof b + ': ' + b); P(a, 8, b, 0) } var ib = Symbol(void 0); function jb(a, b, c, d) { var f = L(a, c, d); var e = !1; var h = null == f || 'object' !== typeof f || (e = Array.isArray(f)) || f.C !== G ? e ? new b(f) : void 0 : f; h !== f && null != h && (M(a, c, h, d), D(h.j, E(a.j) & 18)); return h } function Q(a, b, c) { (a = jb(a, b, c, !1)) ? b = a : (a = b[ib]) ? b = a : (a = new b, H(a) || ((c = a.o) && Ua(void 0, void 0, c.j, void 0, void 0, a.j) ? a = c : (c = kb(a, !0), D(c.j, 2), a = a.o = c)), b = b[ib] = a); return b } function R(a, b, c) { var d = void 0 === d ? !1 : d; b = jb(a, b, c, d); if (null == b) return b; if (!H(a)) { var f = lb(b); f !== b && (b = f, M(a, c, b, d)) } return b } function mb(a, b, c, d, f, e) { a.h || (a.h = {}); var h = a.h[c], g = N(a, c, 3, d, e); if (!h) { var k = g; h = []; var l = !!(E(a.j) & 16); g = !!(E(k) & 2); var n = k; !e && g && (k = Array.prototype.slice.call(k)); for (var q = g, t = 0; t < k.length; t++) { var p = k[t]; var x = b, z = !1; z = void 0 === z ? !1 : z; p = Array.isArray(p) ? new x(p) : z ? new x : void 0; if (void 0 !== p) { x = p.j; var J = z = E(x); g && (J |= 2); l && (J |= 16); J != z && F(x, J); x = J; q = q || !!(2 & x); h.push(p) } } a.h[c] = h; l = E(k); b = l | 33; b = q ? b & -9 : b | 8; l != b && (q = k, Object.isFrozen(q) && (q = Array.prototype.slice.call(q)), F(q, b), k = q); n !== k && M(a, c, k, d); (e || f && g) && D(h, 2); f && Object.freeze(h); return h } e || (d = Object.isFrozen(h), f && !d ? Object.freeze(h) : !f && d && (h = Array.prototype.slice.call(h), a.h[c] = h)); return h } function S(a, b, c, d) { var f = H(a); b = mb(a, b, c, d, f, f); a = N(a, c, 3, d, f); if (!(f || E(a) & 8)) { for (f = 0; f < b.length; f++) c = b[f], d = lb(c), c !== d && (b[f] = d, a[f] = d.j); D(a, 8) } return b } function nb(a, b, c) { K(a); null == c && (c = void 0); return M(a, b, c) } function ob(a, b) { a = L(a, b); return null == a ? 0 : a } function pb(a, b) { a = L(a, b); return null == a ? 0 : a } function T(a, b) { return N(a, b, 0, !1, H(a)) } function U(a, b) { return null == a ? b : a } function V(a, b) { a = L(a, b); return U(null == a ? a : !!a, !1) } function W(a, b) { return U(L(a, b), 0) }; function qb(a, b, c) { c = void 0 === c ? Ia : c; if (null != a) { if (wa && a instanceof Uint8Array) return a.length ? new B(new Uint8Array(a), A) : za(); if (Array.isArray(a)) { var d = E(a); if (d & 2) return a; if (b && !(d & 32) && (d & 16 || 0 === d)) return F(a, d | 2), a; a = $a(a, qb, d & 4 ? Ia : c, !0); b = E(a); b&4 && b&2 && Object.freeze(a); return a } return a.C === G ? rb(a) : a } } function sb(a, b, c, d, f, e, h) { if (a = a.h && a.h[c]) { d = E(a); d&2 ? d = a : (e = pa(a, rb), Ia(d, e), Object.freeze(e), d = e); K(b); e = null == d ? I : Fa([]); if (null != d) { h = !!d.length; for (a = 0; a < d.length; a++) { var g = d[a]; h = h && !H(g); e[a] = g.j } e = Da(e, (h ? 8 : 0) | 1); b.h || (b.h = {}); b.h[c] = d } else b.h && (b.h[c] = void 0); M(b, c, e, f) } else d = qb(d, e, h), K(b), M(b, c, d, f) } function rb(a) { if (H(a)) return a; a = kb(a, !0); D(a.j, 2); return a } function kb(a, b) { var c = a.j, d = Ga([]), f = a.constructor.h; f && d.push(f); f = a.u; if (f) { d.length = c.length; d.fill(void 0, d.length, c.length); var e = {}; d[d.length - 1] = e } 0 !== (E(c) & 128) && Na(d); b = b || H(a) ? Ia : Ha; d = Qa(a.constructor, d); a.F && (d.F = a.F.slice()); for (var h = !!(E(c) & 16), g = f ? c.length - 1 : c.length, k = 0; k < g; k++) sb(a, d, k - a.B, c[k], !1, h, b); if (f) for (var l in f) c = f[l], g = +l, Number.isNaN(g) ? e[g] = c : sb(a, d, g, c, !0, h, b); return d } function lb(a) { if (!H(a)) return a; var b = kb(a, !1); b.o = a; return b }; function Y(a, b, c) { null == a && (a = Oa); Oa = void 0; var d = this.constructor.i || 0, f = 0 < d, e = this.constructor.h, h = !1; if (null == a) { a = e ? [e] : []; var g = !0; F(a, 48) } else { if (!Array.isArray(a)) throw Error(); if (e && e !== a[0]) throw Error(); var k = D(a, 0), l = k; if (g = 0 !== (16 & l)) (h = 0 !== (32 & l)) || (l |= 32); if (f) if (128 & l) d = 0; else { if (0 < a.length) { var n = a[a.length - 1]; if (Ja(n) && 'g' in n) { d = 0; l |= 128; delete n.g; var q = !0, t; for (t in n) { q = !1; break } q && a.pop() } } } else if (128 & l) throw Error(); k !== l && F(a, l) } this.B = (e ? 0 : -1) - d; this.h = void 0; this.j = a; a: { e = this.j.length; d = e - 1; if (e && (e = this.j[d], Ja(e))) { this.u = e; this.i = d - this.B; break a } void 0 !== b && -1 < b ? (this.i = Math.max(b, d + 1 - this.B), this.u = void 0) : this.i = Number.MAX_VALUE } if (!f && this.u && 'g' in this.u) throw Error('Unexpected "g" flag in sparse object of message that is not a group type.'); if (c) { b = g && !h && !0; f = this.i; var p; for (g = 0; g < c.length; g++) h = c[g], h < f ? (h += this.B, (d = a[h]) ? tb(d, b) : a[h] = I) : (p || (p = eb(this)), (d = p[h]) ? tb(d, b) : p[h] = I) } } Y.prototype.toJSON = function() { var a = this.j; return Ka ? a : $a(a, ab, db) }; function cb(a) { var b = $a(a.j, bb, Ha); Ga(b); b = Pa(a, b); ub(b, a); return b } function tb(a, b) { if (Array.isArray(a)) { var c = E(a), d = 1; !b || c&2 || (d |= 16); (c & d) !== d && F(a, c | d) } } Y.prototype.C = G; Y.prototype.toString = function() { return this.j.toString() }; function vb(a, b) { return Ya(b) } function ub(a, b) { b.F && (a.F = b.F.slice()); var c = b.h; if (c) { var d = b.u, f; for (f in c) if (b = c[f]) { var e = !(!d || !d[f]), h = +f; if (Array.isArray(b)) { if (b.length) for (e = S(a, b[0].constructor, h, e), h = 0; h < Math.min(e.length, b.length); h++) ub(e[h], b[h]) } else throw a = typeof b, Error( 'unexpected object: type: ' + ('object' != a ? a : b ? Array.isArray(b) ? 'array' : a : 'null') + ': ' + b); } } }; var wb = void 0; function xb(a) { var b = wb; wb = void 0; if (!Array.isArray(a)) throw b = b ? b() + '\n' : '', Error(b + String(a)); return a }; function yb(a, b) { if (null == b || '' == b) a = new a; else { b = JSON.parse(b); if (!Array.isArray(b)) throw Error(void 0); a = Qa(a, Ga(b)) } return a }; function zb(a) { return JSON.stringify([a.map(function(b) { var c = {}; return [(c[b.L] = b.message.toJSON(), c)] })]) }; function Ab(a) { this.h = a } Ab.prototype.K = function() { var a = encodeURIComponent; var b = zb(na.apply(0, arguments)); for (var c = [], d = 0, f = 0; f < b.length; f++) { var e = b.charCodeAt(f); 255 < e && (c[d++] = e & 255, e >>= 8); c[d++] = e } b = sa(c, 3); a = a(b); this.h('https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/ping?e=3&d=' + a) }; function Bb(a) { Y.call(this, a) } u(Bb, Y); function Cb(a) { Y.call(this, a, -1, Db) } u(Cb, Y); var Db = [3]; function Eb(a) { Y.call(this, a, -1, Fb) } u(Eb, Y); var Fb = [3]; function Gb(a) { Y.call(this, a, -1, Hb) } u(Gb, Y); var Hb = [2, 3, 5]; function Ib(a) { Y.call(this, a, -1, Jb) } u(Ib, Y); function Kb(a) { Y.call(this, a, -1, Lb) } u(Kb, Y); function Mb(a) { Y.call(this, a, -1, Nb) } u(Mb, Y); var Jb = [1, 2], Lb = [3, 4, 9], Nb = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]; function Ob(a) { Y.call(this, a) } u(Ob, Y); function Pb(a) { Y.call(this, a, -1, Qb) } u(Pb, Y); var Qb = [1, 2, 3]; function Rb(a) { Y.call(this, a, -1, Sb) } u(Rb, Y); var Sb = [1]; function Tb(a) { Y.call(this, a, -1, Ub) } u(Tb, Y); var Ub = [1]; function Vb(a) { Y.call(this, a, -1, Wb) } u(Vb, Y); var Wb = [1]; function Xb(a) { Y.call(this, a, -1, Yb) } u(Xb, Y); var Yb = [1]; function Z(a) { Y.call(this, a) } u(Z, Y); function Zb(a) { Y.call(this, a, -1, $b) } u(Zb, Y); function ac(a) { Y.call(this, a) } u(ac, Y); var $b = [1]; function bc(a) { Y.call(this, a) } u(bc, Y); function cc(a) { Y.call(this, a) } u(cc, Y); function dc(a) { Y.call(this, a) } u(dc, Y); function ec(a) { Y.call(this, a) } u(ec, Y); function fc(a) { Y.call(this, a, -1, gc) } u(fc, Y); var gc = [1]; function hc(a) { Y.call(this, a, -1, ic) } u(hc, Y); var ic = [1, 2]; function jc(a) { Y.call(this, a, -1, kc) } u(jc, Y); var kc = [1]; function lc(a) { Y.call(this, a, -1, mc) } u(lc, Y); var mc = [2, 3, 6, 10]; function nc(a) { Y.call(this, a) } u(nc, Y); function oc(a, b) { return P(a, 1, b, '') } function pc(a, b) { return nb(a, 2, b) }; var qc = { ja: 0, V: 1, X: 2, ca: 3, Z: 4, Y: 5, aa: 6, ba: 7, da: 8, ea: 12, U: 9, N: 10, W: 11 }; var rc = {ka: 0, ha: 1, S: 2, T: 3, fa: 4, M: 5, ia: 6, ga: 7, P: 8, O: 9, R: 10}; function sc(a) { Y.call(this, a, -1, tc) } u(sc, Y); function uc(a, b) { nb(a, 8, b) } function vc(a) { Y.call(this, a, -1, wc) } u(vc, Y); function xc(a, b) { return P(a, 2, b, '') } function yc(a, b) { return P(a, 3, b, '') } var tc = [9], wc = [6]; function zc(a) { a.K.apply(a, fa(na.apply(1, arguments).map(function(b) { return { L: 10, message: b } }))) }; function Ac(a) { Y.call(this, a, -1, Bc) } u(Ac, Y); var Bc = [1]; function Cc(a, b, c) { if (W(a, 2) !== W(b, 2)) return c; var d = !1; switch (W(a, 2)) { case 1: a: { var f, e = new Set(null != (f = N(a, 3, 0, !1, H(a))) ? f : []); b = r(N(b, 3, 0, !1, H(b))); for (f = b.next(); !f.done; f = b.next()) if (e.has(f.value)) { d = !0; break a } d = !1 } break; case 0: a: { f = new Set(null != (e = O(a, 4, Sa, !1)) ? e : []); b = r(O(b, 4, Sa, !1)); for (e = b.next(); !e.done; e = b.next()) if (f.has(e.value)) { d = !0; break a } d = !1 } break; case 2: b = new Dc(b); d = (f = R(a, Gb, 5)) ? Ec(b, f) : !1; break; case 3: a: { f = new Set; e = r(O(a, 9, fb)); for (d = e.next(); !d.done; d = e.next()) f.add(Aa(d.value)); if (0 === f.size) d = !0; else { b = r(O(b, 6, fb)); for (e = b.next(); !e.done; e = b.next()) if (f.has(Aa(e.value))) { d = !0; break a } d = !1 } } break; case 4: d = Fc(a, b) } return V(a, 6) ? d ? null : c : d ? c : null } function Fc(a, b) { a = R(a, Cb, 10); if (void 0 === a) return !1; var c = S(b, Eb, 7); if (0 === c.length) return !1; b = !0; c = r(c); for (var d = c.next(); !d.done; d = c.next()) if (d = d.value, ob(d, 1) === ob(a, 1) && ob(d, 2) === ob(a, 2)) { b && (b = !1); var f = T(d, 3); if (0 === f.length) return !1; d = !0; f = r(f); for (var e = f.next(); !e.done; e = f.next()) { e = e.value; var h = Math.floor(e / 32), g = N(a, 3, 0, !1, H(a)); if (!(h >= g.length || 0 !== (g[h] >>> e % 32) % 2)) { d = !1; break } } if (d) return !0 } return b } function Ec(a, b) { var c = W(b, 1), d = S(b, Bb, 3), f = S(b, Gb, 2); switch (c) { case 2: c = d.every(function(e) { return Gc(a, e) }) && f.every(function(e) { return Ec(a, e) }); break; case 1: c = d.some(function(e) { return Gc(a, e) }) || f.some(function(e) { return Ec(a, e) }); break; default: throw Error('unexpected value ' + c + '!'); } return V(b, 4) ? !c : c } function Dc(a) { this.h = new Map; a = r(S(a, Bb, 5)); for (var b = a.next(); !b.done; b = a.next()) { var c = b.value; b = pb(c, 1); c = pb(c, 2); var d = this.h.get(b); d || (d = new Set, this.h.set(b, d)); d.add(c) } } function Gc(a, b) { var c = pb(b, 2); return (a = a.h.get(pb(b, 1))) ? a.has(c) : !1 }; function Hc(a, b) { switch (a) { case 2: return 187; case 3: return 138; case 4: return Ic(b); case 5: return 80; case 10: return 79; case 6: return 7; case 7: return 2; case 8: return 7; case 9: return 2; default: return 4 } } function Ic(a) { switch (a) { case 2: return 12; case 3: return 14; case 4: return 15; case 5: return 219; case 6: return 82; case 7: return 80; case 8: return 71; case 9: return 16; default: return 4 } }; function Jc(a) { return 'https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net' === a || 'https://td.doubleclick.net' === a }; function Kc(a, b, c, d, f) { this.J = a; this.postRevshareBidCpmUsdMicros = b; this.sellerSignals = c; this.h = d; this.G = f; this.o = new Map; if (V(Q(c, Ob, 12), 1) || V(Q(c, Ob, 12), 2)) a = new sc, this.i = P(a, 7, U(L(this.sellerSignals, 2), ''), '') } Kc.prototype.reject = function(a, b) { b = void 0 === b ? 0 : b; var c, d, f, e, h = { ru: null != (f = null == (c = this.h) ? void 0 : c.renderUrl) ? f : '', igo: null != (e = null == (d = this.h) ? void 0 : d.interestGroupOwner) ? e : '', s: a, r: b }; Lc(this, a, b); return { desirability: 0, postRevshareBidCpmUsdMicros: 0, debugInfo: this.G ? h : void 0, debugEventMessage: this.debugEventMessage } }; Kc.prototype.accept = function() { var a, b, c, d, f = { ru: null != (c = null == (a = this.h) ? void 0 : a.renderUrl) ? c : '', igo: null != (d = null == (b = this.h) ? void 0 : b.interestGroupOwner) ? d : '', s: 1, r: 1 }; Lc(this, 1, 1); return { desirability: this.postRevshareBidCpmUsdMicros, postRevshareBidCpmUsdMicros: this.postRevshareBidCpmUsdMicros, debugInfo: this.G ? f : void 0, debugEventMessage: this.debugEventMessage } }; function Lc(a, b, c) { if (void 0 !== a.i) { var d = yc(xc(new vc, a.h.interestGroupOwner), a.h.renderUrl); a.h.adComponents && gb(d, a.h.adComponents); a.h.topLevelSeller && P(d, 4, a.h.topLevelSeller, ''); a.h.componentSeller && P(d, 5, a.h.componentSeller, ''); Jc(a.h.interestGroupOwner) || hb(d, a.J); nb(a.i, 4, d); V(Q(a.sellerSignals, Ob, 12), 5) && (uc(nb(a.i, 11, a.sellerSignals), pc(oc(new nc, a.h.renderUrl), a.I)), a.o.forEach(function(g, k) { var l; null != (l = a.i) && (k = pc(oc(new nc, k), g), K(l), g = mb(l, nc, 9, void 0, !1, !1), k = null != k ? k : new nc, l = N(l, 9, 2, void 0, !1), g.push(k), l.push(k.j), H(k) && Ea(l, 8)) })); if (Object.values(rc).includes(b)) { var f; null != (f = a.i) && P(f, 6, b, 0) } if (Object.values(qc).includes(c)) { var e; null != (e = a.i) && P(e, 5, c, 0) } if (1 !== b || 1 !== c) { var h; null != (h = a.i) && P(h, 10, Hc(b, c), 0) } } } da.Object.defineProperties(Kc.prototype, { debugEventMessage: { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, get: function() { var a; return null == (a = this.i) ? void 0 : cb(a) } } }); function Mc(a) { var b; this.i = null != (b = null == a ? void 0 : ob(a, 4)) ? b : 0 } Mc.prototype.h = function(a) { if (!this.i) return 1; var b; return (null == (b = R(a, fc, 9)) ? 0 : T(b, 1).includes(this.i)) ? 2 : 1 }; function Nc(a, b) { return 0 === a.size ? !1 : void 0 === b || 0 === b.length ? !0 : b.some(function(c) { return a.has(c) }) } function Oc(a) { a = Q(Q(a, Z, 2), Pb, 1); this.i = new Set(T(a, 1)); this.o = V(a, 4); this.G = V(a, 5) } Oc.prototype.h = function(a) { var b; if (Nc(this.i, null == (b = R(a, hc, 1)) ? void 0 : T(b, 1))) return 4; a = R(a, hc, 1); return !this.G || a && !V(a, 4) ? !this.o || a && !V(a, 3) ? 1 : 3 : 4 }; function Pc(a) { this.i = V(Q(Q(a, Z, 2), Rb, 3), 2); this.o = new Set(T(Q(Q(a, Z, 2), Rb, 3), 1)) } Pc.prototype.h = function(a) { var b = this; return this.i ? 1 : void 0 === jb(a, jc, 7, !1) || T(R(a, jc, 7), 1).every(function(c) { return b.o.has(c) }) ? 1 : 5 }; function Qc(a) { var b, c, d; this.i = new Set( null != (d = null == a ? void 0 : null == (b = R(a, Z, 2)) ? void 0 : null == (c = R(b, Tb, 4)) ? void 0 : O(c, 1, Sa, !1)) ? d : []) } Qc.prototype.h = function(a) { var b = this; return 0 === this.i.size ? 1 : 0 === O(a, 10, Sa, !1).length || O(a, 10, Sa, !1).some(function(c) { return !b.i.has(c) }) ? 6 : 1 }; function Rc(a) { var b, c; this.i = null != (c = null == a ? void 0 : null == (b = R(a, Zb, 3)) ? void 0 : S(b, ac, 1)) ? c : [] } Rc.prototype.h = function(a, b) { if (null == b) return 7; if (0 === this.i.length) return 1; a = r(this.i); for (var c = a.next(); !c.done; c = a.next()) if (c = c.value, null != U(L(c, 2), 0) && b < U(L(c, 2), 0)) return 7; return 1 }; function Sc(a) { var b, c, d; this.i = new Set( null != (d = null == a ? void 0 : null == (b = R(a, Z, 2)) ? void 0 : null == (c = R(b, Vb, 2)) ? void 0 : O(c, 1, Ra)) ? d : []) } Sc.prototype.h = function(a) { var b = this; return 0 !== this.i.size && O(a, 6, Ra).some(function(c) { return b.i.has(c) }) ? 8 : 1 }; function Tc(a) { a = Q(Q(a, Z, 2), Xb, 5); this.i = V(a, 2); this.o = new Set(T(a, 1)) } Tc.prototype.h = function(a) { var b = this; return this.i ? 1 : T(Q(a, jc, 7), 1).every(function(c) { return b.o.has(c) }) ? 1 : 9 }; function Uc() { new Ac; return function(a, b, c, d, f) { a = yb(cc, JSON.stringify(xb(c.sellerSignals))); c = c.auctionSignals; var e = V(a, 8) || V(a, 22), h = !!f.componentSeller, g = 1E6 * b, k = Q(Q(a, dc, 5), ec, 1); var l = void 0 === l ? 0 : l; var n = L(k, 1); if (null == n) k = n; else if ( 'number' === typeof n || 'NaN' === n || 'Infinity' === n || '-Infinity' === n) { var q = Number(n); q !== n && M(k, 1, q); k = q } else k = void 0; l = g * (U(k, l) || 1); b = new Kc(b, l, a, f, e); if (f.topLevelSeller && 'https://pubads.g.doubleclick.net' !== f.topLevelSeller) d = b.reject(9); else { var t; e = BigInt((null == (t = R(a, dc, 5)) ? void 0 : U(L(t, 2), '0')) || 0); if (h && l < e) d = b.reject(5); else { var p; t = BigInt((null == (p = R(a, dc, 5)) ? void 0 : U(L(p, 3), '0')) || 0); if (0 < t && g > t) d = b.reject(3); else if (h) d = b.accept(); else b: if (f.renderUrl) if ( p = null == d ? void 0 : d.renderUrl, null != p && p[f.renderUrl]) { var x; p = yb( lc, JSON.stringify(xb( null != (x = null == p ? void 0 : p[f.renderUrl]) ? x : []))); b.I = p; x = Vc(b, b.I); if (1 !== x.D) d = b.reject(x.H, x.D); else { var z; if (null == (z = f.adComponents) ? 0 : z.length) { z = !1; x = r(f.adComponents); for (p = x.next(); !p.done; p = x.next()) if (p = p.value, g = h = t = void 0, k = null != (g = null == (t = d) ? void 0 : null == (h = t.adComponentRenderUrls) ? void 0 : h[p]) ? g : [], t = xb(k), t.length && (z = !0, t = yb(lc, JSON.stringify(t)), b.o.set(p, t), t = Vc(b, t), 1 !== t.D)) { d = b.reject(t.H, t.D); d.debugInfo && (d.debugInfo.acru = p); break b } if (!z) { d = b.reject(8, 12); break b } } null != c ? (d = c.maxFloorCpmUsdMicros, 'string' !== typeof d ? d = 0 : (d = Number(d), d = isNaN(d) ? 0 : d)) : d = 0; d = l < d ? b.reject(5) : l < e ? b.reject(10) : b.accept() } } else d = b.reject(6, 10); else d = b.reject(7, 11) } } V(a, 8) && d.debugInfo && console.log(d.debugInfo); if (V(a, 22) && d.debugInfo) { c = d.debugInfo.s; l = d.debugInfo.r; var J, X; b = { renderUrl: null != (J = null == f ? void 0 : f.renderUrl) ? J : '', interestGroupOwner: null != (X = null == f ? void 0 : f.interestGroupOwner) ? X : '', accepted: !0 }; if (1 !== c || 1 !== l) b.accepted = !1, b.externalBidStatus = Hc(c, l); console.log('Logging debug info of scoreAd().\n', b) } d.debugEventMessage && (J = d.debugEventMessage, X = globalThis.forDebuggingOnly, V(Q(a, Ob, 12), 1) && X.reportAdAuctionWin && Wc(a, J, X.reportAdAuctionWin, 1), V(Q(a, Ob, 12), 2) && X.reportAdAuctionLoss && Wc(a, J, X.reportAdAuctionLoss, 2)); return f.topLevelSeller ? { desirability: d.desirability, bid: d.postRevshareBidCpmUsdMicros ? d.postRevshareBidCpmUsdMicros / 1E6 : void 0, allowComponentAuction: !0 } : {desirability: d.desirability, allowComponentAuction: !0} } } function Wc(a, b, c, d) { P(b, 2, d, 0); d = R(b, vc, 4); if (V(a, 23) && d && !Jc(U(L(d, 2), ''))) { a = encodeURIComponent; a: { Ka = !0; try { var f = JSON.stringify(b.toJSON(), vb); break a } finally{Ka = !1} f = void 0 } c('https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/td/rdl?tdr=' + a(f)) } else zc(new Ab(c), b) } function Vc(a, b) { var c, d = null == (c = a.sellerSignals) ? void 0 : R(c, Ib, 3), f = null == b ? void 0 : R(b, Ib, 11); if (d && f) { c = new Map; for (var e = new Map, h = r(S(d, Kb, 1)), g = h.next(); !g.done; g = h.next()) g = g.value, c.set(W(g, 1), g); d = r(S(d, Mb, 2)); for (h = d.next(); !h.done; h = d.next()) h = h.value, e.set(W(h, 1), h); d = new Map; if (h = c && e && f) a: { h = r(S(f, Kb, 1)); for (g = h.next(); !g.done; g = h.next()) { g = g.value; var k = W(g, 1), l = e.get(k); if (l) { var n = null; if (V(g, 7)) { var q = d.get(k), t = !0, p = pb(g, 8); if (void 0 === q) q = new Map, d.set(k, q); else { var x = q.get(p); if (x) { h = x; break a } null === x && (t = !1) } t && (n = Cc(g, l, k), q.set(p, n)) } else n = Cc(g, l, k); if (n) { h = n; break a } } } f = r(S(f, Mb, 2)); for (e = f.next(); !e.done; e = f.next()) if ( e = e.value, d = W(e, 1), h = c.get(d)) if (e = Cc(h, e, d)) { h = e; break a } h = null } if (h) return { H: 2, D: 0 } } a: { c = a.postRevshareBidCpmUsdMicros; var z; a = null != (z = R(a.sellerSignals, bc, 1)) ? z : new bc; z = r([ new Mc(a), new Oc(a), new Pc(a), new Qc(a), new Rc(a), new Sc(a), new Tc(a) ]); for (a = z.next(); !a.done; a = z.next()) if (a = a.value.h(b, c), 1 !== a) { b = a; break a } b = 1 } return 1 !== b ? {H: 4, D: b} : {H: 0, D: 1} }; function Xc(a, b, c, d, f) { var e = a.metadata.metadata; c = { seller: c.seller, decisionLogicUrl: c.decision_logic_uri, trustedScoringSignalsUrl: c.trusted_scoring_signal_uri, interestGroupBuyers: c.custom_audience_buyers, auctionSignals: f, sellerExperimentGroupId: void 0, sellerSignals: d.signals, perBuyerSignals: c.per_buyer_signals }; a = { topWindowHostname: '', interestGroupOwner: '', renderUrl: a.render_uri, biddingDurationMsec: 0 }; b = Uc()(e, b, c, f, a); return { status: 0, score: 'number' === typeof b ? b : b.desirability } }; var Yc = globalThis; Yc.scoreAd = function(a, b, c, d, f) { return Xc(a, b, c, d, f) }; Yc.scoreAdIterative = function(a, b, c, d) { var f = [], e = (new Date).getTime(); a = r(a); for (var h = a.next(); !h.done; h = a.next()) h = h.value, h = Xc(h.ad, h.bid, b, c, d), f.push(h); return { responses: f, status: 0, duration: (new Date).getTime() - e } }; Yc.reportResult = function(a, b, c) { return { status: 0, results: { signals_for_buyer: '{"signals_for_buyer" : 1}', reporting_uri: 'https://performance-fledge-static-5jyy5ulagq-uc.a.run.app/reporting/seller?render_uri=' + b + '&bid=' + c } } };